Wednesday, December 10, 2008


This is shifu. I gave this as a gift for Jasper. Isn't he adorable? Pattern can be found here, copyrights reserved to Nekoyama. Just click the album below to see more of his photos :)

Look how cute they are :)
From shifu


Introducing Pinky, my first amigurumi! She is so cute! The pattern is from this book by Elisabeth A. Doherty.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

chistmas sock trimmings

Merry Christmas! :D
From trimmings

Here is a close up. I tweaked the pattern of this cute christmas sock trimming here to make a bit bigger version.
From trimmings

Click below to see album.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I gave this shawl to Ate Chet when she went to Sydney, Australia for World Youth Day 2008.
From other accessories

From other accessories

From other accessories

a laptop sleeve

I made this cute sleeve for my laptop.
From laptop sleeve

From laptop sleeve

From laptop sleeve

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

my first set of headbands

The first thing I did to start crocheting headbands was to look for patterns from the net. It was easy to search but very hard to choose since there are so many patterns available! At first I copied the patterns I like but later I mananged to come up with my own :). Here is the album of my first set of crocheted headbands.

This is the very first headband I crocheted. Thanks to Ms. Alicia Infanti who provided the pattern here:
From headbands

This one is my very own design! When Catet and Kon saw me crocheting they requested for their own headband. They chose their own colors and I made them the headbands right then and there! It is wide and it looks like a bandana when worn. I also made a smaller version of it. I think this headband is really great for summer! :)
From headbands

From headbands

This one is a shell pattern headband. It's the first garterized headband I've made and the only headband that I used for myself. :)
From headbands

This is one of my favorites. I was saw the pattern here ans was inspired so I figured out the pattern myself and made a headband out of it. It is more complicated and takes longer time to finish than the others, but the texture was just great!
From headbands

The others are easy chain headbands inpired by the pattern of Ms. G here:

From headbandsFrom headbands
From headbandsFrom headbands